About Don Hicks

Meet Don Hicks, proud father, long-time Michigander, and candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives 35th District.

  • Resident of Branch County for 37 years

  • 34-year Educator in Government and Economics

  • Community Leader

  • Devoted Family Man

A proud Michigan citizen for over 50 years, Don Hicks has deep roots in the community and extensive experience in education advocacy and local governance.

Don has dedicated his life to educating and empowering the next generation of community leaders. His expertise and keen understanding of government and economics provide him with the building blocks to clearly and effectively understand and take on complex issues.

Don is a gifted educator and fierce community advocate, but his proudest accomplishment is his family.  He and his wife Leigh, a fellow educator, work to maintain their family-first focus.  As, the proud father of five, and recent grandfather, Don has instilled in his family the same values of hard work, integrity, and community service that he embodies.

When Don isn’t with his family, you will most likely find him serving his community. He is the chairman of the BlueOx Credit Union board of directors, an active church member, and a dynamic and valued member of the Branch County Community Theater. He is a connected community leader who strives to make a positive difference in the lives of those around him.

Don Hicks brings a wealth of experience, a deep connection to the community, and a strong dedication to public service. As your State Representative, Don will bring positive change to the state of Michigan and the 35th district with integrity and commitment.