• I believe that Legislators are public servants. As such, I would not be comfortable earning a taxpayer supported wage that exceeds what they earn on average in my district! I would propose legislation to that effect as one of my first acts in the Michigan House of Representatives.

    This legislation would convey a spirit and acknowledgement that we are all collectively in this together. Thus, when I pass good legislation that benefits the district we all win!

    Lansing can become a cloistered community of politicians. We would be well served to be constantly reminded of who sent us there. This proposal compels politicians to keep a close read on the pulse of their district.

  • Having been an educator for 34 years and coming from a long line of teachers, the topic is near and dear to my heart. As with most of you, many personal successes I have had, are at least in part, thanks to some great teachers I had in the past. Their guidance in helping me learn as well as inspiring me to do more and achieve!

    Sadly, today there is a shortage of good, qualified teachers. Hence it is not surprising that student academic achievement is not where it needs to be in Michigan. Elevating the respect educators are shown, paying a fair wage, and reducing the bureaucratic red tape they must spend endless hours enduring, is a good start to improving Michigan’s educational system. More cost effective spending of education dollars must be imposed. Additionally, programs dictated by the state that assume a “top down”, “one size fits all” approach are incorrect. Innovative solutions and ideas can be found locally that mesh well within the communities they serve.

  • $104,082. That is your share of the national debt, $34 Trillion dividend by our country’s population. This is unacceptable! It is a generational burden we are handing down to our children. It threatens our economy and national security.

    If elected, I would demand fiscal responsibility. Obviously, a state legislator does not have direct control over federal spending, but I do believe in responsible and transparent expenditure of taxpayer’s dollars. On the federal and state levels we can do better and we must!

    This issue needs to become a bigger part of our state and national conversation. I do not support any increase in state taxes or user fees. Our state government does not need to spend more in Michigan, we need to spend better.

  • Farming is central to our district both fiscally and culturally. Challenges facing large and small farms alike are formidable. Some regulations from the state are well intentioned, but have unintended negative consequences. I am of the belief that often the best laws come from the bottom up,

    (locally), and not from the top down, (the state and federal government) with a “one size fits all” mentality. Frequently, innovative local policies provide solutions and serve as a model for other municipalities. With solar and wind generated electricity coming on line and expanding, many Michigan farmers find themselves in a tug of war. They grapple with the question of continuing traditional crop and livestock farming or seeing the monetary gain in converting some of their land.

    I am sure the debate will rage on, but I promise you that I will support our local farmers and assert that any legislation or restrictions coming out of Lansing must be in their best interest.

  • There have been enough scandals over the years to know that money often has a corrupting influence on politics. I have taken a pledge to not take any P.A.C. cash, nor accept or encourage any sort of “dark money”. It is not that my campaign could not use the cash, but rather I feel it important for constituents to know I will always act and vote in a way that I think is in the District’s best interest, not that of some corporation or special interest.

    Let’s face it, if a corporation donates thousands of dollars to a campaign, they are looking for a return on their investment. I recently returned a check from the Michigan Education Association for $500. I thanked them for their support, but explained why this pledge is one of the cornerstones of my campaign.